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DISCLAIMER:  This is a ‘Not For Profit’ website. It is for educational and enjoyment purposes to learn and experience the following inspirational worship songs.

And we give Praise to our God through them. NO MONIES will ever be received for sharing these worship times.

Because they are live worship sessions being recorded with a tape deck in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, the quality is not the best. They were originally only intended for my personal use so that I could listen during the week and learn the words and be more free to worship the Lord the following week. Additionally, because I shifted from tape to CD’s four years ago, you will notice an occasional disruption in the recordings. It’s not always “smooth sailing” BUT the important thing to notice as the congregation of several hundred worships, you will be able to sense the heart of the worshipers, and I trust you will be blessed and hungry for more. That is why I felt led and decided to create this website.

PERSONAL NOTE:  Many times I was so exhausted from a long work week, I barely had enough energy to drive to church on Sunday evenings. But I loved the service and this time with the Lord so much that I was always glad I made the effort. After the service was over and on my way home, I had so much energy, it reminded me of a “gas station fill-up” from the Holy Spirit. I’m positive many others felt the same way.